Gabey D. is our wonderful firstborn son. He was diagnosed with A.L.L (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) in May 2007, and has been going through a 3 1/2 year chemo treatment. We are trusting God, and believe He will show Himself Mighty.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Newest Pics

Gabey is sporting a gift from the hospital... a Mater Costume!
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It's so good to see him goofy. He's making faces with Daddy.
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you can see the incision mark here, and there's a piece of tape, i just can't get off, LOL. it's cemented on. Then under the incision is the "tubey", his mediport. it's just under the skin, sometimes you can see the bump. there are little marks from the different times he's been accessed. it's been a huge blessing. it's so nice to be able to get his meds and blood samples straight from there, not a ton of pokes in his arm. the emla cream makes it totally numb, so he doesn't feel a thing.
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Anonymous said...

LOVE the Mater costum! so cute!
he looks ALOT older with his new hair cut Shari! and those pictures really show that!
those "tubeys" are such a blessin aren't they!

hugs and love to y'all!
Shelley from SB's

Kristi said...

Bless his little heart. I'm glad that he doesn't have to go through all the terrible poking too.

I love his car costume. What a fun thing to play in! :)


Shari said...

this was the first time he put it on, usually he just leans on it. he looks so cute with it on.

oh, i thank the Lord for his tubey. such a blessing.

Shari said...

oh, and i got the tape off that day, i soaked it in baby oil for a while, and it came off really easily.