Gabey D. is our wonderful firstborn son. He was diagnosed with A.L.L (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) in May 2007, and has been going through a 3 1/2 year chemo treatment. We are trusting God, and believe He will show Himself Mighty.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Drum Roll, Please........

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And Gabey's ANC counts are...... (hold your breath!)

3190!!!!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
that's still lower than normal (5,000-10,000), BUT it is in the Adequate/Acceptable category!!

Sooo, Right now, he's NOT neutropenic!

I'm just soooooo THANKFUL, his little body is able to fight infection now!

God is the Great Creator, and He's creating those good white blood cells in Gabey's body, and making the chemo work to kill off the leukemia blasts!!
Lord, you are so AMAZING!

Jeffie still wants to be cautious, and I totally understand. We're not sure how quickly counts go down, or up. I have a feeling they won't go back down, but the chemo does drive down counts, so we're still going to stay careful....buuuuut, I will be able to take Gabey one a few outings this week!!
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Kristi said...

I don't blame y'all for being careful still...but YAY!!!! I'm so glad to hear the good news. Looking forwad to hearing MORE good news!!!!


POOH! said...

Thats great news. Keep up the good work Gabey. Im happy to hear such good news. Keep posting. Wendy (AUST) :)

Anonymous said...

OH HOW AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!
Shelley from SB's

Shari said...

isn't this the COOLEST?
thanks so much, guys for coming by.
it's great to hear from you.