Gabey D. is our wonderful firstborn son. He was diagnosed with A.L.L (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) in May 2007, and has been going through a 3 1/2 year chemo treatment. We are trusting God, and believe He will show Himself Mighty.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Flashes Of Hope

The pictures are here!!
We got 2 beautiful 8X10s and 4X6s. They turned out soooo great!

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Dr. TY
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Dr. Tanya
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Dr. Kate
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Nurse Jen
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We got 3 shots of Nurse Denise, and they're all just photo perfect.
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My Lord Knows the Way...

My Lord knows the way through the Wilderness,
All I have to do is Follow.
My Lord knows the way through the Wilderness,
All I have to do is Follow.

Strength for today is mine all the way,
And All that I need for tomorrow!

My Lord knows the way through the Wilderness,
All I have to do is follow.

Right now, we're in a wilderness, and only the Lord knows the plan. I am trusting in Him to guide us through. Gabey's counts weren't good enough to start the next stage of this last phase. They are only 350.

I was planning it all out to have him on a rest period when Gideon is born, but now it's all up to my Lord. I have total faith that what He has planned is the best possible thing for us.

We will go in next Thursday to check his counts again, and go ahead with the treatment if they're high enough (over 750).

Pray for a feverless week. God is so awesome, and has really kept infections and fevers away through most of this. I'm so thankful to serve such a STRONG Lord and Savior!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hair Cut for the Boys

Gabey was happy to have daddy get his hair cut too. He let me buzz his first, and then made sure Daddy got his done right after.

His head is so soft. :)

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His counts on Thursday were 3,000! Woohoo! We'll have a good weekend.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's Been a Gift

Gabey's hair has been a gift through this whole treatment. He kept it the whole time, until now. We're buzzing his hair tonight, because he's shedding it really badly now. The back has bald spots. I'm sad, but I'm also thankful that it held on longer than usual.

His appointment was easy peasy today, just counts. His counts are still good, because of the decadron.

Pray hard for the next 3 weeks. This week will be an easy rest period, and if his counts are still good, he'll be able to go on in his treatment.

Next Thursday will be really rough, with 3 new chemos. The shots at home will have to strart next week. It's been a part that I've dreaded ever since I learned about them. BUT, praise our Lord, we see the end in sight!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Turkey, Cheese, and Pickles, Please.

Our little chubby cheeks are back. Gabey's been having a blast just eating away. I'm thankful that he's picking a little variety this time, and is including some fruit, and veggies this time. He's doing just fine. The Lord is keeping side effects away, and counts up. Starting Thursday will be a rest week, with no steroid, and no chemo.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Had it wrong.

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I was reading his counts, and realize that I had the range wrong.
I was thinking that the ANC count had to be over 5000 for it to be normal.
but that's the WBC (white blood count).

the normal range for ANC is 1500-5000....
and Gabey's at 2000 right now, so he IS in the normal range right now.

It changes every week, so we've just been so happy to have it over 1000 for a few weeks.

Still Going Well

We're through our 3rd week on the new phase, and the Lord is just making it go soooo well. Gabey's counts are up from the steroid, and we've been able to make it to church, and go to stores. The Lord has kept away all of the side effects except the ones from the steroid, which are not serious at all. He's just obsessed with food all the time right now. LOL. We're just giving him whatever he wants, so he'll stay happy. It's not a big deal, and when we don't, he gets so upset. He'll only be on it for another week, and after that we won't have to worry about this at all.

We got to go to part of the service on Sunday.
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My boys are worn out... (me too.)
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Friday, September 7, 2007

Another Blessed Appointment

It's about 7:30am, and Gabey is watching Curious George, and pretending to be him. It is so amazing that he just had 2 powerful chemos yesterday! God has kept every side effect away! He is so good! The only medicine that affects him is the steroid, decadron. He's my little salami baby. LOL. Goldfish, tomatos, and salami.

Our appointment went really well. Gabey was just a little soldier getting his clippey put in. He closed his eyes again, and actually peeked when the needle was going in. He let out a funny little "ow". He knew it was supposed to hurt, but was surprised that it didn't. LOL. Afterward, he kept saying, "It didn't even hurt," Praise the Lord for EMLA cream (numbs the skin).

We watched videos, and got the zofran (keeps him from getting nauseous from the doxorubicin)and his chemo, and goofed off with the nurses and doctors.
Gabey gave some of the nurses crafts that we made this week.

I am amazed at his counts this week, the decadron is doing it's job. His counts on Thursday were 6600!

Gabey hiding from his medicine...
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Waiting with yummy goldfish crackers...
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Getting blood pressure...
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Nurse Reagan with Gabey...
"My Tubey didn't even hurt!"
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Waiting for chemo...
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Did great

Well, I just heard from Shari. So far the shots went great. He was a very good boy when they gave them to him. Jeff was with him and had Gabey lay down so he couldn't see the shots. He cried "just a little" as he told Shari. These shots had to go into his muscle so the cream they use to numb the area only helped a little bit. They are still at the hospital as I write. Shari said they have to wait about an hour to make sure there isn't any allergic reaction. So far though there hasn't been any reaction. God is so good.

Next Phase

Gabey went for his appointment on Thursday, August 30. PTL ! His counts were high enough (they were 1050) to start the next phase. They were only supposed to be 750. So on Thursday, they started a new chemo. I think Shari said that Gabey will be getting 3 new drugs this phase. He is feeling worn out. Shari said that he is sleeping a little more and doesn't seem to have as much energy. We have been so blessed that he has felt so good these past few months. Today he goes in to get shots (PEG) and on Thursday he goes in again for the chemo treatment through his port. This next phase will last for 45 days. Pray that God will continue to protect Gabey and keep him free from infection. God has been so good and we are so thankful.