Gabey D. is our wonderful firstborn son. He was diagnosed with A.L.L (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) in May 2007, and has been going through a 3 1/2 year chemo treatment. We are trusting God, and believe He will show Himself Mighty.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Week Off

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Today starts a week of NO CHEMO, PTL. He has to get his counts up before we start the next phase, so this week is to help him build up. They have to be at 750 for him to be able to start the next phase on Thursday.

We'll really need your prayers for this phase. It has a few new chemos, and is pretty intense. It will last for 45 days, so keep Gabey in your requests to God during that time. It's his last intensive treatment, and after that, we get to move on to Maintenance, which will last for about 3 years.

Gabey has been feeling GREAT! We've had a fabulous month. I'm so grateful. He lost all his weight, and looks soooo cute. LOL. He's got tons of energy, and STILL has his hair!! PTL!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gabriel looks totally great! Praise God for his week off.

hugs and love to you all ~ jen b