Gabey D. is our wonderful firstborn son. He was diagnosed with A.L.L (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) in May 2007, and has been going through a 3 1/2 year chemo treatment. We are trusting God, and believe He will show Himself Mighty.

Friday, July 20, 2007

God is still taking care of us.

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The antibiotic did a great job, and Thursday was his last day. The doctors looked at his toe, and said it looked great. I'm so thankful.

The visit went just wonderfully. We only had to do some blood tests, and get his counts. They also took more blood for the new study we're in.
His ANC count is down again, a little over 600. I'm learning not to be surprised or disappointed at these drops. It's just part of the process. The decadron was the only reason it was up at all last week.

We felt really blessed yesterday. We were talking to Dr. Kate, and she made a comment..."SO, is he ever going to lose his hair?" I took that as a HUGE blessing that he's kept his hair longer than usual. LOL. Even if he does lose it all the way for the delayed intensification, I'll know we had the blessing of his hair for the time we did.

Dr. Kate, and our NP, Denise, were teasing eachother how they both wanted him every visit. Denise said, "NO, we have to share."

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I was so impressed by a little boy that came in. I watched while they accessed him. He was Gabey's age, and I was totally amazed! He didn't have the EMLA cream on, and I could tell it hurt when it went in, and he sat there cringing, and made not a PEEP! What a little toughie!! I had to talk to the dad, and compliment the little boy's strength. He said the boy is in his 2nd year now. He had been accessed earlier, but had pulled it out. I'm not sure why he didn't get more EMLA cream, and I'm so surprised by his reaction to the event.

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